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Take Your Seat Order Form

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Seat Nameplate
198 Remaining

I would like to make a donation


Honor your favorite thespian, musician, dancer, singer, loved one or advertise your business - in The Little Theatre!

We invite you to share in this exciting news and purchase an engraved nameplate to be mounted on the back of a theatre seat. The cost is $300.00 per nameplate. Funds raised from seat nameplates will be used to support Bishop Watterson’s theatre program as well as to help maintain and preserve the Little Theatre!

Number of dedicated seats available: 200

- All seat nameplates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

- Each personalized nameplate will have space for three lines with 30 character and space maximum per line.

- Your nameplate will remain on the back of the chair throughout the lifetime of the chair.

- Placement of nameplates will be randomly assigned, but if you buy more than one seat nameplate, they will be grouped together.

- This seat dedication is a naming opportunity, and does not include tickets or set assignments for events.

Example Nameplate Text/Formatting: